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Olives: An Ancient Staple, A Modern Delight

Whether sliced, stuffed or whole, olives provide a unique flavouring to everything from pizza and pastas to cocktails. Deliciously salty, they are also an easy flavour booster for everyday meals.
The original health food
Olives are a healthy indulgence! Two cured green olives (5/8” x 7/8”), canned or bottled, have only 8 calories and 0.9 g of fat. The fat content of olive oil is higher, but the fat in olives and olive oil is made up mainly of heart-healthy monounsaturated fatty acids.

Here are some ways to use green and black olives
Fun fact
Did you know that green and black olives are not different varieties? Green olives are simply unripe olives and turn black when ripe.

Easy tapenade recipe
Tapenade is a Provençal dish that can be used as a spread or dip. Mince your favourite olives (the classic recipe calls for black olives), then add anchovies, garlic, capers, lemon juice, seasonings and lemon or orange peel. Then add olive oil to the mixture and combine. Use on toast, crackers, as a stuffing for cherry tomatoes and mushrooms, tossed with pasta or as a basting paste for fish and fowl!