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Measure and gently whisk together your dry ingredients in a large bowl.
In a small cup mix together dye and wet ingredients mix well to distribute the dye.
Next step is very important.
Add the wet ingredients very slowly to the dry ingredients.
Adding little drops at a time while mixing it thoroughly.
The citric acid and baking soda is what causes the bath bombs to fizz when it comes into contact with water. Adding the wet ingredients minimizes this affect. The mixture should hold together and resemble damp sand when squeezed in your hand.
Add one pinch of lavender flower to one mould.
Spoon mixture into each half, packing it in slightly until its overflowing.
Press them firmly together for 1 minute.
Gently tap to loosen the bath bomb from mould and place on flat surface to dry and harden for 24 hrs before enjoying in the tub.
Metro Richelieu inc. , its affiliated companies and affiliates are not responsible for any circumstance that should come up when using the suggested recipes. Each person using this site must check that each of the ingredients is allowed in his/her diet and is not part of his/her restricted foods.